Just assuming...

Hi, human.
Carlos here.

Started as a Graphic Designer. Turned Product Designer to help to solve people’s problems. Went from learning to teaching, from entrepreneur to contractor; from corporate to NGO’s, from beginner to leader.

Sounds interesting so far, right? Wait, there is more.


Companies I have worked for in the past.


Open Earth Foundation,
Product Design Lead

Where I'm currently at. Helping to design and build open-source technology to increase planetary resilience and fight climate change.
Our designs were showcased at UN Climate Change COP27 & COP28.


Vaster Technology,
SSr. UX/UI Designer

A software factory and agency that exported services and products. I had the chance to learn, grow and apply my skills in multiple products, from SaaS to blockchain. I remember this as the real-life "from zero to hero" designer's course.


UX/UI Academic Tutor

You can only learn truly, when you teach it to others. I had the chance to collaborate in creating a syllabus and teach in the Advanced UX course for the leading e-learning company in Argentina.


"C" Creative Studio,
Owner and Graphic Designer

Where I started. My own endeavor and one of the few experiences as an entrepreneur. I helped 40+ brands, small and large businesses as a Graphic Designer for +5 years. Completed the complete designer's to-do working as logo-maker, media editor, brand specialist, content manager, storytelling and general advertising. This was the foundation for my visual and creative skills that still use and revisit nowadays.

Building bridges.

It's really simple: keep it human. Wether I'm managing or collaborating externally, I always strive to maintain communications and environment on the kind and open side, both internally between teams and externally with stakeholders and users.
The way we work together, utterly impacts the way the product behaves.
That's why I put a lot of effort on not only delivering great quality products, but also on the way we do it.

Designing stories.

I believe in crafting impactful designs through compelling storytelling.
As a Designer I like to put effort into discovering what's behind the idea and –more importantly– how can we capture and deliver its essential value to others in a visual, useful and captivating way.
That's why I like designing new stories to tell, combining both design and storytelling. You can check them on Medium.

Read me on Medium


What I'm good at.

Check my CV
An icon of an open book


If I could highlight one skill I have, it would be storytelling. I believe that our human experience is made of stories and the most effective way to shape a product is by understanding its narrative and what it wants to tell to the users.

Jack of all trades

The journey that I now walk as a Product Designer has found me wearing many costumes all along the way: marketing guy, website & brand builder, video editor, and some other creative roles complete the list.

Product Design

I'm a Generalist UX Designer that had the chance to explore every corner of a product's environment. My job is to translate ideas and all of the above into tangible solutions with intangible value.

Visual Design

On my early days as a Graphic Designer I nourished my craft with a strong visual foundation. Nowadays I use this to crystalize ideas in a fast and effective way.

My Dribbble

Each dribbble shot is made with love and care. Do check out my work on
Dribbble. Likes and comments are appreciated.

Follow me on Dribbble

This is what people say about me

Here are a few lines from people who I have worked with over the past 8+ years in my design career.

See all testimonials
‘’Robin is one of the best designers I have worked with in my entire life. He is a designer who is very capable of taking up complex projects and delivers impeccable design.’’
Richard Owens
CEO, Company 1
‘’I think Robin has an incredible gift. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with a designer of this caliber.’’
Emily Parker
CEO, Company 2
‘’All I can say that, Robin is a phenomenal designer. The wavelength at which he thinks is astoundaing. I love the focus, passion and attention to detial in the design.’’
Vincent Rudd
CEO, Company 3

Jack of all trades

Here are some no-necessarily-UX projects I've worked on for the last months.

Let’s write
some stories

Now that you know a lot about me, let's start figuring out how to make ideas happen!
You can reach out by mail or book a call with me anytime soon.

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If you are looking to have a 1-on-1 with me, let's do find some time and do it!


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